Prayer to Forgive me and Give me Another Chance

Dear Heavenly Father I come to before You today in need of rescue from the problems I have created for myself because of my sins. There are times when I feel so hopeless and desperate. There are times when I am filled with despair.

I have repented Dear Lord and I pray for hope and for my faith to grow. Thank you for the many blessings that you have bestowed on me. Lord, please deliver me from the consequences of my sins. I know I am unworthy Dear Lord, I am pleading for Your mercy and loving kindness…..cover me with Your compassion. You said in the scriptures that if we called on You in the day of trouble; You shall rescue us and we would honor You.

I believe it Father, because You said so. Father God I am pleading for another chance.,,,,,please save my job. Thank you Most Merciful Father. These and other mercies I ask in the name of Your son Jesus Christ, Amen.

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